History and Symbolism
The number 4 has a long and rich history, with various cultures around the world ascribing different meanings and symbolism to it. It is a number that appears throughout the Bible and other ancient texts, and it has been a source of fascination for many centuries. In this article, we’ll explore the history and symbolism associated with the number 4.
Ancient China
The number 4 has a special significance in the cultural history of China. Way back in the Shang Dynasty (1766-1122 BCE), the Chinese used symbols to represent numbers. The symbol for 4 was a cross, which was similar to an axe or hatchet, and was used to mark off property boundaries or homesites.
The number four also had spiritual significance that related to the Chinese worldview and way of life. In Chinese mythology, four represented stability and safety because it is formed from two balanced forces that are held together by harmony—the sun and moon on one side, and the earth and sky on the other. This idea of balance and stability is further reflected in their use of the weather gods Fu, Lu, Shou as divine protectors of humanity. The word for “four” (sì) also contains elements of justice (sì) and luck (xì).
The spiritual connotation behind four led to superstitious beliefs about its power over fate; avoiding bad luck by avoiding associations with four became very fashionable among upper classes. It’s not uncommon to hear people saying “May Heaven protect me from all things unlucky this year” before they state any goals they wish to accomplish in life – a phrase which implies being protected from bad luck brought on by references to four (namely mentioning it or using it). Consequently, due to its oppressive properties some buildings are not assigned a fourth floor, elevators may drive past it like there was no button for it at all or their Windows skip straight from 3rd Floor Flat 3B going straight onto 5th Floor Flat 5A without stopping anywhere along the way.
Ancient Greece
In ancient Greek culture, the number 4 was considered very important. It had a symbolic significance as well as a practical significance due to its use in two major ways.
The first way the number four was used was to represent perfection or completeness. It represented the four fundamental elements of creation: fire, earth, air and water. As such, when these elements were combined together it formed a perfect representation of the universe – with its four corners holding all possibilities of creation at once – and this became heavily reflected in both religious and philosophical thought.
The second way 4 was used was for calculation and mathematics. The Greeks believed that 4 contained an incorruptible character due to its indivisible nature – it could never be divided into equal parts without being reduced in size or whole numbers being added. This made it great for mathematical operations like addition and multiplication, giving it a practical application as well as a symbolic one.
Four also appears frequently in mythology, often representing magical items or creatures who signify something special in the related mythologies such as the Furies, Oracles or Charons who each have some connection with death; under certain circumstances they can be invoked with some form of offering which ties into this symbolism even further. There are countless other examples of where 4’s symbolism or usage can be found throughout history ranging from religion to science and everything else in between!
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt is one of the world’s earliest civilizations and is known for its complex culture, intricate hieroglyphs, and many symbols. These symbols were used throughout the period of Ancient Egypt and have been the source of many stories, myths, and rituals for millennia. Some symbols, such as the ankh (a symbol of eternal life), are still used today in Egyptian culture and spiritual practices.
Symbols act as an important part of Ancient Egyptian culture to express beliefs, gods, or even power dynamics. The most commonly seen symbols in Ancient Egyptians were associated with gods like Anubis or Horus and were found on texts or building inscriptions. Hieroglyphs written on temple walls also featured different animals that could have symbolised strength or a particular noble trait. For example, Ra was represented by a hawk as it was known for its sharp vision that reaches all corners of sky – this sky was believed to be Ra’s domain due to his position as a sun god. Similarly other birds often symbolise intelligence or fertility when represented in hieroglyphic writings on temple walls and papyri scrolls kept in tombs.
Other common ancient Egyptian symbols included horns associated with Amun-Ra (symbolising omnipotence) which was worn by pharaohs who believed it would give them strength in battle; coins used at weddings that signified prosperity; wings which suggested speed/protection; cobras/vultures representing kingship – they were symbols worn by pharaohs signifying power over their domains; stars/moon god Thoth associated with knowledge; scarab beetles which stood for rebirth; snakes which stood for wisdom; ankhs standing for eternal life and twin feathers which implied Maat: truth, justice & order. All these symbolic references were interpreted differently depending on the context but they always had strong ties to the values and religious beliefs that informed early Egyptian society
Numerology is the study of numbers and their meanings. When it comes to the number 4, it carries a lot of positive qualities. It is the number of structure and order, and also has the power to create stability in one’s life. This number also stands for hard work, determination, and loyalty. Let’s explore the meaning of the number 4 in numerology.
Number 4 in Numerology
The number 4 holds both practical and esoteric significance in numerology. Its symbolism reflects its characteristics of solidity, discipline, hard work, and a sense of order. The number 4 is integrated in our psychology, belief systems, relationships and major life decisions.
Numerologists view the number 4 as a symbol of security and stability: it is firmly grounded, secure and structured to create order from chaos. It demonstrates organization, building blocks for growth in five main areas: self-development, helping other people to develop physically or psychologically; material pursuits such as refinancing or taking out a loan; physical endeavors such as buying property or moving house; spiritual developments like embarking on a course of healing or meditation; intellectual pursuits such as higher education or starting a business venture.
The number 4 represents the establishment of stable foundations and has a positive connotation related to growth both materially and spiritually. It indicates that good times are ahead – but first you must build them up with hard work – this commitment shows that you have the dedication to see through what needs to be accomplished before you can benefit from any successes (material or spiritual). Four represents passion for one’s work and personal relationships which will manifest eventually into something tangible after vigorous effort has been applied.
Number 4 in Astrology
In astrology, the number 4 is associated with the energies of practicality and structure. Those who are born under this number are thought to be organized and grounded individuals who create order and stability in their lives. They are reliable, honest, and hardworking, which makes them well-suited to professions that involve following established processes or protocols. They also typically value family commitments and may choose a career that allows them to spend ample time with their loved ones.
Four is connected to the element Earth in numerology which symbolizes our desire to connect with material things and live with a down-to-earth attitude. Practicality remains essential to these people when making decisions and taking action in regard to goals. Four also holds symbolic meaning for being in control of situations as well as developing important logic functions for understanding one’s place in the world and how it can be improved upon by yourself or others around you.
The energy of four encourages ambition but acknowledges that true success can only come through persistance, patience, determination, organization, balance between relaxation/work time, careful planning and implementation of those plans into tangible results. Four is an opening card for anyone wanting a secure foundation from which to build a future career.
Number 4 in Tarot
The number 4 is an earthy, practical number that amplifies the energy of whichever card it appears alongside. In Tarot, 4 is a considered a particularly favorable number that brings positive and balanced vibrations. Number four’s primary characteristics are stability, security, and patience — all qualities that have to do with being grounded and pragmatic.
When it comes to Major Arcana cards, the number 4 has a reputation for bringing about self-discipline and organization as well as financial success due to its grounding energies. The Moon (XVIII), Death (XIII), Tower (XVI) and The Empress (III) all contain fours in their card count. These cards represent foundational balance in our lives — structured stability and security.
Four also makes an appearance in Minor Arcana card ranks, emphasizing discipline, structure and order in life’s day-to-day conversations. In the suit of Wands there’s the Three of Wands/Four of Wands which illustrate partnerships based on initiation of ideas or planning with other people’s assistance. Other minor cards that include four: the Four of Cups which symbolizes stability that comes with having emotions under control; Seven/Four/Two Pentacles which explores how money made leads to material achievement; Nine /Four Pages represent initiatives; Ten /Four Swords captivates emotional withdrawal from situations; Seven /Fourings where difficult decisions lead people away from building dependencies on others; Six/ Four Cups depict intense family ties; Ten / Four Pentacles induces material success followed by contentment; Nine / Four Swords determined emotional healing by escaping depressions linkled with physical limitations.
These qualities suggest balance within personal relationships as well as contributing one’s skills which result in tangible rewards when it comes to projects—all suggested by the numeric 4 linked with various tarot cards!
Cultural Significance
Number 4 is a universal number that is widely accepted across many different cultures and religions around the world. This number is believed to have many different meanings, depending on the context and culture. The number 4 is associated with a few different concepts, such as stability, balance, and order. Let’s explore more meanings and the cultural significance of the number 4.
Number 4 in Religions
Number 4 is of great significance across many different religious beliefs, with diverse interpretations and relevance ranging from the four cardinal points in nature to spiritual emotions.
In Christianity, four signifies creation – it stands for the number of Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This number also represent faith, hope and love as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:13. In Judaism, the number four is often tied to holiness as there are four types of items that are regarded as holy – the Torah scrolls (Jewish law/Bible), tefillin (phylacteries) mezuzahs (small prayer scrolls tucked into door frames) and talitot (prayer shawls). Additionally, it represents mercy since the Day of Atonement service calls for four renditions of a declaration phrase which draws from Exodus 34:6-7.
In Buddhism, 4 symbolizes mindfulness as there are 4 satipatthana or elements for awareness – body, feeling tone/emotion within body sensations, thoughts & ideas and mental qualities such as joy or sorrow. Native Americans also look highly upon this number due to its relevance in their most ancient of prophecies which comes from their very own creation myths. The myth speaks about a sacred round dance with movements towards each cardinal point with each new movement delineating stories & wisdom furthering revealing deeper truths found only through contemplation meditations done while standing on the four directions of a crossroad at locations held sacred by their ancestors.
Number 4 in Folklore
In many cultures, the number 4 is considered to have a deep symbolic and spiritual significance. It is often linked with the four elements of nature – earth, water, fire and air – as well as with the four cardinal directions (east, west, north and south). In many tales and legends throughout history, number 4 has been associated with luck, knowledge and security.
The Celts believed that number 4 represented abundance and strength in human relationships; so gifts such as ornaments were given in sets of four. The ancient Greeks saw it as embodying the form of manifest life – from its symbolic associations with creativity embodied in the other elements of nature.
In Chinese numerology, 4 represents fundamental order; an embodiment of natural law. It can be found throughout Chinese culture in literature, painting and architecture. It symbolizes stability and security at home or workplace due to their strong belief that a square structure (with its four walls representing stability) was indicative of good luck. Feng shui viewers believe that rooms with a ‘4’ orientation bring prosperity and protection against misfortune or danger.
To the Buddhists in Tibet, for example, 4 signifies perfection being ‘the right way’ which is God’s way; one plus three makes four – perfection according to their spiritual system! For them it stands for Earthly Life – Family/Home, Spiritual Enlightenment/Bathing In Truth/Achievement Of Objectives, Power Of Will Overcome Life’s Hardships And Sufferings – Endurance And Insight Together With Good Performance To Accomplish All Of This – Meditation/Equanimity As A Life-Purpose Assisted By Hidden Advice From God Himself!
Other interpretations may vary depending on religion or culture; but generally speaking number 4 is believed to contain all ubiquitous properties known to man within its soul making it powerful; good & bad luck come hand-in-hand for sure here…in fortune & misfortune also are found intertwined potentially unyielding every moment both beneficial & detrimental attitudes towards us equally shared by this faithful constant one: Number Four!
Number 4 in Art
The number 4 has a special significance in art and has been used to inspire creative work for thousands of years. In some cultures, it is seen as an auspicious sign of good fortune, abundance and knowledge. From the Aboriginal Australians of the outback to the Egyptians’ hieroglyphs and the digits of Hindu deities, its influence has never faltered even in the digital age.
Artists have long used media such as literature, poetry, theatre, music and visual arts to tell stories and express their unique perspectives on life. In all these medias there is a certain fascination with the number 4 as it often has great cultural relevance.
In ancient Egyptian culture, gods were often represented by different numbers that represented physical attributes or spiritual powers. The number four was associated with Ma’at: justice, motherhood and protection; sustenance; knowledge; humility; balance; kindness; faithfulness; contentment; rectitude; dignity & heroismall these qualities made up Ma’at’s essence – what we may call today “core values”. These same concepts are echoed through much modern art from astronomy to interior design.
In Native American cultures four is commonly seen as a sacred number because nature itself presents us with four main elements – earth, air fire water – that can represent cleansing or rebirth depending on how it was interpreted by individual tribes or nations. Many Navajos believe that having a balanced life means achieving harmony with each element in its own direction (north-east-south-west). The directions coming from each element connect like spokes in a wheel creating physical and spiritual balance among humanity’s world view .
These ancient civilizations valued the number 4 so highly that they inspired tradition upon tradition throughout history which enjoy an interesting revival today resulting in meaningful artwork around us wherever we go!
Throughout history, the number 4 has been seen as a powerful and important number with strong connections to the natural world. It is often associated with the four elements—fire, water, earth, and air—as well as the four directions—north, south, east, and west. While the meaning of the number 4 may vary depending on the context, its overall significance is clear: the number 4 is a powerful and meaningful one. In this article, we will explore the various meanings of the number 4 and what it could symbolize in different contexts.

James August, a Sagittarius, is a highly respected Numerologist and Astrologist, known for his ability to provide insightful guidance on a wide range of life concerns. With over 20 years of experience helping people with issues related to love, money, health, and overall well-being, James has established a reputation as a trusted advisor and mentor to many.